Batutah Thesis

Thesis (Post diplôme Typographie & Langage –ESAD Amiens). Explanation of the process of creating the Arab-Latin typeface Batutah.

64p. / 19x27,7cm / 120gr / four-color / 20ex


esad amiens thesis cover typographie langage

batutah design process latin arabic typeface

evolution letterforms reverse contrast latin type design

contrast axis latin typeface

sketches work in progress arabic type

shin lam lam alif process design

italic batutah design arabic

italic style inclination degres

italic tests typeface

patterns arabic andalucia spain graphic design al hambra cordoba granada

arabic patterns illustration painting engraving

regular bold typeface

glyph set alphabet latin arabic typeface esad amiens

bold regular display italic batutah typeface esad amiens post diploma

batutah arabic typeface latin analysis

zoom arabic letters naskh

bold italic display future batutah greek cyrillic arabic latin multiscript

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